
Learn about the main services we offer in Japan. Tentoku's skilled staff perform inspections, repairs, and various processing services for apparel, accessories, household items, and more.

We perform visual checks, inspection by hand, and measurements to confirm whether products are damaged, defective, soiled, or in insufficient quantity.
Needle Detection

Our needle detectors check for any pins or sewing needles left in each product.
X-ray Inspection

If a needle detector reponds to a product, we run another inspection with an X-ray machine.
Automatic Bagging Machines

These machines can automatically place a cover over apparel products.

Our skilled staff use sewing machines to work and repair products.
Tunnel Finishers

Our tunnel finishers use steam and hot-air drying to remove creases.
Stain Removers

These machines remove stains on your products.
Front-Load Washers

Our large front-load washers remove stains on products.

We remove wrinkles from products with iron pressing and box pressing.
Receipt & Inventory Mgt.

We can receive your goods for you on your premises.
Warehousing & Logistics

We can take care of your important products.
Shipping & Delivery

We follow shipping orders to send out products as instructed.